Wednesday 9 February 2011

The Cleaner 
Genre: Crime/Thriller
Realesed: 2007
Directed by: Renny Harlin
Staring: Samuel L Jackson, Eva Mendes, Ed Harris

The opening sequence starts off with a shot of a town and plays spooky music. The weather is dull and grey this then matches with the music and sets the tone of the film from the start. When we see the dead body the music changes and becomes more upbeat. This is ironic and does not match the setting. This then makes the audience realise that this film will be more relaxed and humorous than scary and depressing as we first thought at the start. 
40 seconds into the opening we hear a voice. This voice is heard throughout the whole of the opening. It is a mans voice, he is talking about what it is we are seeing. He explains to the audience the proceedings he has to go through for his job; cleaning up dead bodies and its remains. We find out at the end of the opening that the voice over is a man who is talking to people about his work. This was a very clever way to use the voice over.
We first meet the main character by hearing his voice but then we are matched to his face at the end. We know he is the main character due to the fact that he was the one talking and the focus is on him and his job. We don't know any other information about the man, other than what he does for a job.
The narrative function for this opening was for the audiences to know about this man and his job, and this is all we know so far.
The camera shots are all used to imphasie what we are looking at and to make the scene more dramatic. There are low angle shots as well as close ups. There is a close up of the glasses that are covered in blood. This is used to mak ethe audince understand the reality of this mans job. He has to clear up every little thing that is left behind in the death area.

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