Friday 8 April 2011

Overall personal opinion on our Opening Sequence

In my personal opinion i feel that our opening is at a high standard but could be improved. The narrative of the opening is well presented as well as having many enigmas during the murder, why was he murder? Who is he? The lighting and sound used fit the genre of film we were aiming towards, gangster. However i feel that we could have had a better quality light source thus producing a cleaner cut opening. The sound used is stereotypical to gangster films and I feel that it fits into our opening well, it create drama and suspense throughout the whole opening. If we had more time and could make improvements I would make sure that we had more different shot types from more interesting and complex angles. This would make our opening more exciting to watch and make our opening run more smoothly.

Our Group Opening Sequence

Here is our final opening sequence. After over a month of hard work I feel that we have created a good opening sequence which I can say I am very proud of. I loved working with my group and felt we all worked well together, working as a team at times can be challenging but I feel that we worked as well as we could and created this wonderful opening.

I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday 7 April 2011


This is our finished evaluation, we have added links during the video to make it more interactive these links go to each question that we have answered.

Self Evaluation

Here is my Self Evaluation where I have made comments and answered questions on how well I think I have worked as a member of a group and the skills I have learnt.


Yesterday Me and Holly made notes on each evaluation question whilst Max and Sam finished off editing our opening and adding music. When these notes were finished we turned them into a script for and printed them out for each of us to have.
Today we filmed our evaluation we used Holly's mac as the technician was unavailable to give us a camera to use, however this was not a problem as we all fitted in the shot and it picked up our sound well. We choice to split our questions up and answer them in an order so it was organised and planned out. This way we all knew what we were doing and when we were going to talk. It made sure that we were not talking over each other and our points we wanted to made were clear. We filmed the questions in 3 clips, Question 1-4, 5-6 and 7 on its own. The reason for this was that it gave us a break to get ourselves together and for us to know what person is talking next and gave us a chance to go over our lines. By doing this it made sure we were relaxed during the filming to make a more relaxed and comfortable evaluation. 
We are now transferring our video to our editing suit via a memory stick. The reason for editing it is to make the evaluation smooth and clear as well as getting rid of moments of silence and flaws.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Soundtrack Completed

Our soundtrack is final complete and has been added to our opening sequence. I think that the music used is really interesting and adds depth to our opening. It is jazzy and represents a typical gangster film opening, the theme which we are going for.

Group Opening Sequence in Progress

This is our group Opening Sequence, after receiving feedback we hope to make changing to out opening to improve it and make it more interesting for the audience to watch.  As that the moment they feedback has told us that the very start of our opening drags out and becomes boring, so we will fastener the pace thus making it more dramatic and fast paced.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Responding to Feedback

After the showcase we received feedback and from this we have taken it upon ourselves to edit our opening to reach the criteria needed to make this opening as good as possible. We have made the start where he lights his cigarette faster paced and upbeat. This hopefully will be more interesting for the audience as well as making the whole opening flow better and keep a good pace.